Saturday, April 18, 2015

1st Year Anniversary and the coming of spring!

My first photo here in Bundang
Winter in Cheonan
A little late, but its now officially my first year Anniversary of living in Korea. It's been a year since my folks dropped me off in South Korea to begin my work as a teacher, and now, a year later, many things have come and go, plenty of ups, downs, and a few interesting experiences since I started and this adventure ha certainly proven to me how interesting teaching is, how independent I can be and what skills I've taken away from my time here. I know that many posts I've made before tell much about my adventures and escapades here, so I felt like keeping this a short and sweet one year anniversary.
New Years Cigar!

Birthday present from home!
Spring and Blossoms
Much has been done, and with only four months left, I think its time to start looking for things to do back home. Until the, I'll keep doing what I've been doing. I certainly enjoy what I've been working with and where, from Seoul to Cheonan and with plans to explore Busan on my next vacation.

South Korea has taught me many things, about myself, about the world around me and most of all, about what people can do and what I can do for people. It has been the first place I ever found myself alone from my family and on my own, but it hasn't left me adrift. It taught me people skills, and how to make good friends and lasting relationships. It put me through the hardship of teaching little kids, losing a job and pounding the pavement in a foreign country to find another and then successfully running with the job, getting the Director's good grace for my effort. All in all, a great and very rewarding experience, one I am glad to have taken.
Doodling here and there

With my first year coming to a close, I still have five more months before my contract ends, and those five months I tend to do the best I can to see as much of South Korea before I return to Canada. I want to keep in touch with my friends here and hopefully in the years to come, maybe plan a trip back to see them (or maybe for them to come see me.) I've loved being in Korea, and despite the ups and downs, it's been a wonderful trip and much has been learned and done in my time here.

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