Why I do this.

If you're reading this page, then that means you've found my blog and you're probably curious about who I am and what I'm doing here (perhaps even why I'm doing it.)

First and foremost, my name is Mitchell Flatt, you can find me on Facebook if you so desire. I've spent the last few years of my life gaining my education with a BA in Liberal Studies and the odd job here and there, having stabilized a decent two year experience line in the security Industry. 
"Wait, Security?" You're probably thinking "How did you go from there to teaching?"

I took teaching because it was something I've wanted to do for awhile, even before I finished University, I wanted to get into teaching kids. During High-school, I really began to dive into the work of care-taking for children. I've worked as a CIT at two different camps and enjoying both periods immensely, and even taught swimming for a year before finding it rather hard to settle with those sorts of positions. It did provide me with ample experience, but when University rolled around, I no longer could be in those happy-free-life days of being a camp counselor, and had to buckle down in real world industry to get somewhere. 

Though I didn't really pursue teaching in University, the idea was still present, but getting into teachers college was a lot harder than I had expected. The biggest issue was that they always ask for experience, which I had little to none to work with. It would be hard enough to apply and get into teachers college, it would be even harder without some background skill in the process; that's where going to South Korea came in.

Back in 2011, one of my friends had got a job teaching English abroad; he went to South Korea and began to make his stay there, teaching English and enjoying himself. He passed me information and connections to try, but sadly those didn't pan out and I missed my opportunity to do much of anything. Since then, I went into Security where I worked for the next two years. During the final months of my last year on the job, I decided to explore other options; wanting to get out of the nigh-shift I'd been settled with and knew there was much more than sitting and doing Security work. I had searched all over the place, and as you might see in my blogs, noted on everything I had to do. In the end, perseverance, determination, and just general plain luck and desire won out, and I got my own job to teach in South Korea.

Now, settling that, I'm currently enjoying myself here in SK. My classes are good, my kids are alright, and I know when I finish this year-contract till 2015, I'll be coming back not only a new person, but coming back with skill, commitment, and a determined new start to take on some new and bigger challenges back home.

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